Letter to the New York Post
May 8, 2002

I just heard of the homicide-bombing at a pool hall in Rishon Letzion, Israel.

Since the U.N., C.N.N, and many world governments & media organizations have been fairly consistent in addressing & criticizing EVERY OTHER act of violence in the Mid-East's tit-for-tat cycle, I imagine that this will go fairly ignored, so that voices may be rested in anticipation of the deafening outcry that will punctuate Israel's response.  I am truly miffed by how Yassir Arafat and his Palestinian franchise of Islamic Terrorism™ have earned the mass gushing they seem to enjoy.  These media darlings are evil Eddie Haskell’s who have consistently tormented the Beave, yet a cordial “Good Morning, Mr. Annan” is enough to fool the world and put them back in good graces.  These torments include INVENTING airplane hijacking, killing OUR soldiers in Lebanon, regular homicide bombings in Israel that FOCUS on civilians, public celebration of our victimization (has everyone forgotten this??), etc.  I wonder if the U.N. and the media who champion the ‘cause’ of these tactics would have, at the time; decried how Sharon Tate’s blood ruined Charles Manson’s perfectly good set of cutlery; or how the 1.7 million Cambodians disposed of by the Khmer Rouge ruined Pol Pot’s beautiful landscape, or how the smoldering corpses of Jews, Catholics, gypsies, homosexuals, etc. prevented the Nazis from using their ovens to make a nice Bundt cake.  More recently, wasn’t it us Americans who somehow prevented 19 Muslims from completing their aeronautical studies?  Sometimes evil tactics are just that, evil tactics – born of a twisted philosophical ideal and all the sympathetic pandering in the world will not justify that ideal. 

[Literally, as I sat here composing this letter, I stopped to watch a news report on how the U.N. is voting today (5/8/02 – the day after the pool-hall bombing) to condemn Israel for their recent military offensive to weed out terrorist cells].
I couldn’t have asked for a worse way to finish this letter and drive home my point.

                                                           - Simon Mirsky
